
These are some of my favorite places my writing has been published online. I’ll spare you from my content mill days and the part of my life I refer to as “The Year of the Listicle.” Before that, I cut my editorial teeth on local magazines that, unfortunately for my portfolio, remain in the antiquated days of print-only.

Mothering Crickets

One thousand dead crickets in a box.

That’s what I’m looking at right now — 1,000 belly-up insects in a rectangular receptacle. I paid $30 for them.

If that sounds like the stupidest thing you’ve ever heard, to be fair, they were supposed to be alive. But let me back up…

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The Beastie Boys and Business Culture

…That was what a Beastie Boys concert was like in 1987. With lyrics like “Skirt chasing, freebasing, killing every village. We drink and rob and rhyme and pillage,” it’s no wonder they ushered in a dubious genre of music known as “frat rap.”

But not too long after the Beasties emerged from small punk clubs into the limelight of sold-out arenas, they began to question their image….

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It Puts the Lotion on Its Skin

In my 20s, I washed my face with soap and water, and that was it. But somewhere along the line, I let an MLM convince me I needed a twelve-step program for my skin. Hundreds of dollars bought me cleanser, toner, primer and various foundations — elixirs in pots and tubes in soothing blue colors that promised to stop time and the unbearable horrors of *gasp* wrinkles….

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