Last Friday, the governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, declared that somethings could go back to normal — restaurants dining rooms are at half capacity, state parks are open with certain social distancing measures in place and curbside pickup for retail can continue. What this means for my family is…
The kids are still not in school and won’t be until fall, and we are still not supposed to be hanging out with friends and neighbors in any real capacity. Our neighborhood parks are still closed and the kids’ soccer programs are still on hold.
What it made me realize is this: While I kinda miss going to Target just to wander around and try on sunglasses and hats, mostly what I miss is my kids going places. I miss it because they miss it; I want them to be happy. And I miss it because I am constantly going back and forth between my stuff and their stuff and I long for a predictable schedule where I can concentrate on writing and work for a big chunk of time.
Halfway through a lengthy job application this morning — complete with writing samples — I paused to help the younger one get on his class Zoom call and then help the older one with some schoolwork. By the time I got back to my computer, the sign-in for the application had timed out, and I had to start over again. This kind of thing happens on a regular basis these days.
I am not a natural at multitasking and the constant switching back and forth between my work and my kids’. It makes me irritable to have to change gears repeatedly. I like being able to focus on one thing, at length, until it’s finished or passed onto someone else for the next step.
I know we’re doing this for the greater good, though I am a little pissy about Bolivar Point in Galveston, which according to recent photo evidence, is packed to the gills when I can’t even send my kids to their friends’ houses. It doesn’t make sense.
I don’t know the answer.
Social distancing to flatten the curve seems right, and our economy does need to be taken into consideration. I’m not sure if opening Texas right now is the responsible move or not, but we’ll see what happens. I am glad the decision doesn’t rest on my shoulders; there’s no clear, correct answer. I can only hope our leaders make decisions based on what is best for everyone and not for their personal pocketbooks or their own political gain. My own frustrations with staying home all the damned time are personal and independent of what is for the greater good.
All greater good aside, what’s frustrating you (personally, not politically) the most about the pandemic and social distancing? What’s been good about it? Let me know in the comments.
As a non-essential retired guy – who’s not all that social – I’m not all that put out by the stay at home and social distancing stuff. But, I do miss seeing my daughters and grandkids. I am very sympathetic for those people out of work. They are the people really suffering.
Too true. And while I may be out of work, I am not struggling to put food on the table or keep a roof over our heads. I am grateful for that.
I cannot say there has been a lot of good. I have been lucky in that the affects have been minimal on me so far financially (I will probably loose my bonus at the end of the year). My girlfriend and I broke up last August. I have been alone since then. It is hard being alone during this. I miss my friends and getting out in the world. It makes me feel old and I am not getting any younger. Good luck with the job search.
I have pondered that this time must be difficult in a different way for people who live by themselves. I am sorry to hear about you and your girlfriend breaking up. I know that even in the least shitty of circumstances when you know it’s for the best, it’s hard getting used to being without that other person. Sending you virtual hugs.
A growing number of us seem to be writing about this now, as our social distancing continues. I am all for the collective good, even if it means temporary discomfort. Vaccines will come. We will sort this. And in the meantime, I’m not going to be one of the ones who acts more like a small child being restrained rather than an adult helping keep us all healthy.
Yes, for sure. As annoyed as I can be from time to time during social distancing, I know it really is a small price to pay for me personally. There are people who are struggling much more than I am.
But It is especially hard for my extrovert friends. I get it. They are used to a much higher level of activity.
My oldest child is a super-extrovert, so in our house, it’s hardest on him. It’s funny how the same situation affects introverts and extroverts oppositely — introverts struggling because all their people are home all the time, and they’re never alone, extroverts missing everyone because they feel TOO alone.